Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Best Professors Since...Well...Ever! (Part 2)

MONDAY - For starters, the Art History quiz was a breeze for the most part. I feel pretty confident about having made an A. It rained quite a bit today and the crazy weather made for some spectacular cloud formations in all directions. You can bet that I went photo-happy. If there’s one thing I think anyone can appreciate about living in a more rural area, it’s the amount of scenery available.

I enjoyed my first daytime walk through the vineyard while saying the rosary with Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Simonetta, which I highly recommend. It’s the most relaxing rosary you may ever get to hear/pray along with. Following that was a most enjoyable session of sky-gazing, proceeded by more homework under the palm tree. Fabulous time! After a great monday night meeting with the staff, some of us headed off to Dead Theologians Society, which is a weekly discussion meeting with the priest (we have Fr. Brown while Monsignor is out). We'll be talking about all kinds of topics including new age and occult practices, prayer life, religion and science, religious freedom, the 5 non-negotiables, angels and demons/exorcism, etc. I'll let you know how they go as they happen. It sounds like a pretty exciting semester!

TUESDAY - Sister Catherine is just fabulous for Western Theological Traditions. She's strict but knows her stuff. Sometimes, I feel like I'm in an apologetics course because she'll challenge us with questions that a non-Catholic might pose and tries to promp the answer out of us. It's really great!

Dr. Hatley is great. He almost feels like an echo of Lisot in that they talk about similar things. It was pretty cool because he allowed the students to pick their own nicknames for the semester, and he let us go as crazy as we wanted with those names. We have everything from UD heroes like Zeus and Dante to random names like Rumpelstiltskin. I chose the name Electra, one of the characters from the Greek Tragedies, although I'm sort of wishing I had picked the name "The Doctor" to see what other students' reactions would have been.

We also had our second People & Places trip to the Church of Cosmos and Damien in Rome which is down the street from the Colosseum. It was beautiful with the giant mosaic and Baroque architecture and artwork. Heading back to campus was terrible due to rush hour and so many people over crowding the bus, but we made it back safely. I tried my hand at table tennis and, after a few rounds of screaming at the ball as it rushed at me, I got the hang of it. It's going to be a long semester.

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