Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Homework Never Smelled So Good

Waking up at 6am isn’t all that bad it Italia. I get a beautiful, cool morning with a calm pink sky and a gorgeous view out my window. Today consisted mostly of first-day orientation for my five major classes. I already like my instructors. Even the subjects I don’t like seem to promise a good time. And we FINALLY received homework for the first time. Yay! After a couple of days of having nothing constructive to do during breaks between orientation sessions, homework has become the one thing to which many students have been looking forward. I'm glad it's finally here!

When all of our long orientation sessions were over, I spent the afternoon reading our Western Civilization homework at the pool with my feet in the refreshingly cool water on such a hot day. According to Dr. Osborn’s daughter, Riley (whom I’m guessing is about 12 or 13 years old), this week was supposed to be one of the hottest this August, ranging between 36-40 degrees Celsius (translating to the upper 90s to low 100s in Fahrenheit.) So yes, while it’s been horribly hot, and at times unbearable, the shade isn’t so bad. I’d compare it to humid California weather. No matter how hot it gets during the day, it’s relaxingly cool in the evenings with a light breeze to add to the peaceful ambiance. Every evening is perfect!

Now to finish the last of my homework, which finally seems possible now that I don’t have any studio art classes to take up so much of my time.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried to comment but it keeps not posting... will try again!
    Kathleen, I can't even comprehend what the rest of your semester will be like -- waking and studying in that view, watching the seasons change... being so close to the heart of the church, exploring new lands! Experiencing so many different aspects of God's creation!!! Thank you for sharing. It is a gift to experience a taste of Italy/Europe vicariously through you! Enjoy!!!
