Friday, August 31, 2012

TGIT! (Thank Goodness It's Thursday)

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! No wonder TGIT became a UD tradition. Classes are over on Thursdays and the long weekend begins. Lots of students left for Cinque Terre, up in the Northern parts of Italy, while the rest of us opted to go on our own excursions, be it France or somewhere local in Rome or Castel Gandolfo. As for me and a couple of gals, we opted to stay local when we missed the booking opportunity for Cinque Terre with the rest of the group. But that’s going to work out fine since we’ll be getting homework and Rome planning done on Friday. Saturday will be our day to go out and explore Rome from top to bottom.

As for this Thursday evening, we watched Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing (it was the one with Emma Thompson) and it had us cracking up for a great deal of the film. I REALLY enjoyed it, and that’s saying something because I generally don’t like watching movies that include romantic relationships or the setting up of relationships and such. This one surpassed all of my expectations. Thus far, this has been my favorite Shakespeare play.

Thus concludes my TGIT, writing my blog in the outdoor third-floor atrium under a glorious full moon. Another day of good work tomorrow and I’ll be free to enjoy Rome without limit. Grades before parades, y’all!

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